Wrong Number - Part 4
by Lavinia G Teodora Magnani
Did he believe you?
He did, although he probably finds the whole story quite odd.
What you're doing for me is incredible. Thank you so much.
How is your leg?
The doctors say I'm in good health but I'll never walk normally again.
I deserve it.
I'm so ashamed.
Maybe I should tell them the truth.
I should go to jail.
You shouldn't have your life ruined by one mistake.
I abducted a child. I abducted you. I almost got you killed.
I'm dangerous.
We've all got good and bad inside us. You ultimately proved you have a good heart.
I want you to know that all the horrible things I did I did them for my dad
I was blinded by the fear of losing him
And now I will lose him.
Don't say that
The heart surgery he needs is way beyond my means.
I could do nothing for him before and I can do nothing for him now.
You know that my mom is administrator of the Haven Medical Clinic...
Your mom wants to help me?
I talked to her. She's almost certain that she can make it happen
I don't know what to say
After what I've done to you...
Can we meet up?
Sure, where do you want to meet up?
I'm in Harvard now
Can I come see you?
(If that doesn't creep you out)
Haha no
I trust you for real now
And I really do think that you're a great girl
See you in a bit