Dead To Rights - Episode 2
by Catherine Dale
What happened, Kieran? Who did this to you?
I can’t remember too well. Not — not the part at the end.
I know I was at Grandpa Hurley’s, but then it’s just kind of blank.
Grandpa Hurley? We haven’t seen him since he went to jail!
That had to be ten years ago.
YOU haven’t seen him. But I ran into him a few months ago.
We were both getting gas at the same place. And we started talking.
I was curious, I guess.
You know how Mom never talks about him.
Didn’t you think there might be a REASON she never talks about him?
Yeah. And I wanted to know what it was.
Going to jail for being a thief and a drug dealer wasn’t enough of a reason for you?
I guess not, no.
And what did you find out?
He’s not a bad guy, T.
He’s crusty, sure, but he’s been out of jail for years.
He’s got his own business fixing up cars, and his wife is really nice.
Actually, she’s into all this stuff. Like, afterlife stuff.
His WIFE? Grandpa Hurley got remarried?
And you’ve been spending time with them?
God, Kieran, I knew you were being weird and had a secret…
But I thought it was something GOOD, like being gay or something.
Hanging out with Grandpa Hurley? That’s just weird!
He’s a good guy.
He’s working really hard to get his life back together.
Why didn’t you ever mention this to me?
You didn’t think I might be interested?
You might have been interested, or you might have told Mom and Dad.
You’re a bit of a rule-follower, T. You don’t like to take risks.
And you’re a bit of a rule-breaker, and look where it got you!
Shit, I’m sorry, that was —
True? I mean, I’m dead. Because I broke rules. You’re right, T.
Shit, Tia, stop crying. Please. I just finally admitted you were right about something.
You should be celebrating!
I just can’t believe — no. We need to focus. You’re in trouble and you need help.
Tia walks away from the birch tree toward the house.
She brushes her tears away impatiently with her free hand.
Tia! Where are you going?
Where do you think?
If that was the last place you can remember being,
Then I’m going to go over there and find out what’s going on!
No! God, don’t be stupid!
If something bad happened to me over there,
Then it’s the one place you SHOULDN’T go.
You said you were hanging out with them!
If we’re going to figure out what happened, we need to start somewhere.
No! Tia, damn it! No!
The screen of Tia’s phone flashes, then cracks, corner to corner.
She drops it in shock.
Then she then picks it up and stares at it for a while…
Before starting to type again.
Was that you? Did you just BREAK MY PHONE?
Kieran? Are you okay?
I told you. It’s hard to — to stay me.
To stay calm and think things through.
I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that.
So you can DO things?
Besides texting?
I don’t know. I guess?
I’ve never done that before, though.
I didn’t even mean to do it this time.
Wow. That’s really neat. What else can you do?
Are you trying to distract me?
Do you think I won’t notice that you’re in the house, looking for your keys?
You need help.
I’m going to help you. It’s that simple.
So whether you’re distracted or not, I’m going over to Grandpa Hurley’s.
Tia, please.
Do you have a better idea?
His wife! Aurora. She’s safer, I think, and I have her cell number.
You could just text her, see what’s up. See what she knows.
Okay. That can be the FIRST step, at least.
I’ll play it cool, see what she knows.
Maybe she’ll give something away.
She’s not part of this, T. She’s not the enemy.
What makes you so sure?
You said you couldn’t remember anything.
If all this happened at her place, I bet she’s involved.
What’s her number?
I put it in your phone. Her name’s Aurora Hurley.
You’re really good at this. At…being a ghost.
Damn, Kieran, that’s NOT what I want you to be good at!
I want you to be really, really good at playing practical jokes.
Then you could open the door and come inside and laugh at me.
And I’d beat the shit out of you and be mad at you for, I don’t know, months or years.
But you’d be HERE.
You’d be okay.
Yeah. I want that too. But it’s not going to happen, T.
Tia takes a deep, shaky breath and then pulls up a blank text message.
She starts typing.
Hi. This is going to sound weird, but — I’m Kieran’s sister. Tia.
Can I talk to you?
Tia. Oh, sweetheart. I’m so glad you got in touch with me.
And I’m so, so sorry for your loss.
My loss? Kieran’s just missing.
He ran away or something. He’ll be back soon.
Oh. Oh, sweetie, I’m sorry. But I don’t think that’s true.
Tia shoves her phone in her pocket.
Then she speaks out loud to herself.
You don’t think it’s true, do you?
And what makes you think that, exactly?
She starts for the door.
We’ll soon find out.
She climbs into the car, her grief replaced by determination.