My Mother the Matchmaker: Dog Park Pickup - Dog Park Pickup
by Marc Lewis
OMG you have to stop this!
You need a boyfriend.
You’re hanging around in a dog park and you don’t even have a dog!
There are a lot of options here.
You’re insane.
Maybe if you were a little nicer, you’d already have a boyfriend.
Maybe I’d have a boyfriend if you stopped scaring away every guy that I bring around!
Oh honey, you don’t bring any boys around.
That’s why I’m trying to help you.
You’re not helping! Please stop.
There’s one guy with a German shepherd. He’s cute.
Mom! Seriously!
The guy. Not the dog.
Mom. Please.
The dog’s pretty cute too though.
Whatever you do, do not go talk to that man.
I’m going to go talk to him.
A few minutes later
I got the scoop.
The scoop? What, are you a reporter from the fifties?
Don’t be rude.
His name is Jeremy and he’s studying to be a dentist.
I can’t believe you talked to him.
He’s single. Broke up with a girl named Sara three weeks ago.
I know! It’s a little soon, but maybe he’s looking for a rebound!
Do you hear yourself?
You want me to be his rebound?
Why not? He’s really cute and maybe you two will hit it off!
You never know.
I do know. It won’t happen.
Dentists make a lot of money. And maybe he can fix that gap in your teeth for you.
You’re causing me psychological pain right now.
I’m going to need therapy because of you.
Stop being so dramatic.
Hold on, I’ll send you a picture…
Carrie receives a picture of her mother’s thumb.
Oh darn that didn’t work very well.
Should I give him your number?
Why not?
I don’t want to date some random dentist guy who talks to weird ladies in a dog park.
I’ll go ask him.
Ew, forget it. He didn’t clean up after his dog.
I hate when people just leave it there.
At least he has a dog.
You’re just loitering in a dog park WITHOUT A DOG.
There’s no sign that says you have to have a dog to be here.
And how else are you going to find a boyfriend?
I’ll find one on my own.
Oh, honey. We both know that’s not going to happen.
You’re the worst.
Ooooh, Cutie Patootie with a pug just walked in.
Mom, please!
This has gone on long enough!
A few minutes later
You’re going to like this one!
Why are you doing this to me?
He’s a professional photographer, which is great because he can help me fix my photos before I post them to Facebook.
Yeah, because that’s what I’m looking for in a guy.
He’s new to the city and guess what???
He’s a serial killer?
And ready to mingle.
I’m single and ready to die of embarrassment.
I told him all about you.
Of course you did.
I told him you were a straight A student in high school.
Because that’s what turns guys on…
I’ll get you a picture. You have to see his blue eyes!
Is your thumb going to be blocking this guy too?
Carrie receives a picture of her Mom, selfie style, with her arm wrapped around a handsome but confused looking man.
Mom you took a picture WITH him?!?!
Are you serious?!?!
What did I tell you? Cutie Patootie!
This is beyond embarrassing.
Send me a selfie back.
What? No!
And don’t say selfie.
I have to show him what he’s getting so I can seal the deal.
So now I’m a business transaction?
Besides…I don’t have any make-up on and my hair is a mess.
Nevermind. I showed him a pic I had on my phone.
Which one???
He thinks you’re cute!
Which picture did you show him?
One from Christmas.
No no no…you sent THAT one?
I don’t know what you mean. You’re wearing reindeer pajamas.
What?!? My Christmas onesie? Are you kidding me?
You look adorable. Noah agrees.
I am freaking out right now!
This is torture!
Oh, don’t be so dramatic. I’m giving Noah your number.
MOM! No!
A few minutes later, Noah texts Carrie.
Uh. Hi. I just met your mom.
Please ignore her.
She’s off her meds. She’s drunk. She got kicked in the head by a horse.
Haha. Which one is it?
Unfortunately all three.
What is she doing now?
She just made a beeline for a guy with a Rottweiler.
Carrie! A Hottie McNaughty with a big black dog just walked in.
I’ll tell him you used to take gymnastics but that you’re still flexible.
I hope his dog eats you.
Your mom is quite the character.
She’s quite the lunatic. I have the emotional scars to prove it.
Haha I bet you do.
So, you’re a photographer when you’re not hanging out at dog parks?
I am. When my pug allows it.
What are you into? Besides Christmas themed onesie pajamas?
😳 I’m going to kill my mom.
Don’t. I like the pajamas.
They’re festive, yet sexy, comfortable, and I imagine, warm.
Well, they’re three of the four.
Bad news. Hottie McNaughty with the big black dog is married.
He doesn’t know what he’s missing.
I’m new in town. Any fun things to do around here?
You should check out the fair tonight. It’s the last night it’s in town.
Have you gone?
No. I wanted to though.
Come with me.
I want to meet the girl your mom was raving about.
I can’t resist a girl who gets straight As in high school.
And who wears reindeer onesies?
Exactly. What do you say?
I’ll tell your mom that I’ll have you home by nine.
Haha. Sure, why not?
All right, it’s a date!
Are you going to bring your pug?
He’s not too fond of rollercoasters. You’ll meet him next time.
Where is this fair?
It’s by the boardwalk. How about I meet you at the entrance at eight?
I’ll be waiting.
I have to go. My dog is getting bullied by a Rottweiler.
See you tonight?
See you tonight 🙂
Ahh darn! Cutie Patootie with the pug just left.
That’s okay, Mom.
It’s probably better that way. He hasn’t stopped staring at his phone.
Yeah, he’s got a big smile on his face.
He does?
Probably looking at porn.
All the men are gone.
I’ll have to find you a boyfriend another time.
Don’t worry about it Mom.
I’m worried.
I’ll try the hockey rink.
You like hockey players right?
Sure Mom 😌