Dylan's Ex - Episode 1
by Kayla Parent
I’m getting a FaceTime call from an unknown number.
When I pick it up…
I’m greeted with a smiling, but unfamiliar face.
Uh, hi. Who are you?
I’m Tammy.
Are you Amanda?
How did you get this number?
Wow, you sure are beautiful.
I can see why Dylan likes you.
I pause, then set down my wine glass.
You know Dylan?
She smiles, then laughs loudly.
Do I know Dylan?!
Of course I do, silly!
He’s my ex-boyfriend.
I blink, then take her in.
She’s beautiful.
Um, okay.
She keeps staring at me, and…
It’s starting to get awkward.
So…why are you calling me?
She smiles into the phone.
I notice she’s walking alone on the street…
And she sounds a little out of breath.
I just wanted to see who Dylie replaced me with.
When I heard he had a new girlfriend, I got curious.
I stand and start to pace.
Look, I don’t know how you got this number, but…
You’re making me uncomfortable.
I’m sorry.
Truth is, Dyl and I are still really close.
You are?
He’s still close with his ex?
So I thought it’d be nice if you and I talked and got to know one another.
My heart sinks…
And I sit back onto the couch.
I didn’t know Dylan was talking to an ex.
Oh don’t worry!
Dyl and I are TOTALLY over.
You have nothing to worry about.
I try and smile.
Well, that’s good to know.
She puts her face closer to the phone.
Is that dinner for two I see back there?
I turn around…
Clocking the candlelight dinner I set.
Yeah, we have a date tonight.
I made dinner.
Oh how fun!
What did you make?
Um, homemade pizza.
Good choice.
Dylan sure loves his pizza.
She laughs, and I force a tight smile.
Maybe she's just trying to be nice?
But isn’t it so gross that he eats it with anchovies?
I glance over the phone at the bowl of anchovies on the table.
So gross.
He’ll be the only one eating those.
Tammy looks at the table with interest.
I see you also got white wine…
And Caesar salad.
All of Dylan’s favorites.
You know so much about him.
You guys must be SO close.
I frown at the phone…
The weird feeling in my chest spreading.
But before I can respond…
My phone beeps with another FaceTime call.
I’m getting another call.
So thanks for reaching out but—
Is it Dylan?
It is.
Aw, it’s 6:32.
He gets out of work at 6:30.
So cute he calls you right away!
Uh huh. I better go—
No worries.
I’ll wait.
I stare for a second, then nod.
When I switch over the call…
I’m greeted with my boyfriend’s handsome grin.
Hey beautiful.
You’re a sight for sore eyes…
It’s been such a long day.
Yeah, for me too.
He notices my tone of voice…
And frowns at the screen.
You look upset.
Is everything okay?
Tammy’s on the other line.
I could have used a heads up before you gave her my number.
Dylan, who was getting in his car, stops short.
Your ex-girlfriend.
His face pales.
She called you?!
I didn’t even know you had an ex.
You told me you’ve been single for years.
I have — and she’s the reason why.
She’s my ex from high school.
Dylan gets in his car and slams the door.
He frantically searches around him, then checks all his mirrors.
When he turns back to the phone…
I’m shocked to see he looks terrified.
What’s going on?
Hang up on her. Now.
Then block her number.
He gets in the car and peels out of the garage.
What are you talking about?
She told me you guys were close!
He laughs without humor.
You know that scar on my abdomen?
Yes, but…
What does that have to do with anything?
When I broke up with her…
She went nuts.
Snuck into my house in the middle of the night…
And stabbed me.
I jump up, my jaw hanging open.
Are you kidding me?!
She was declared mentally unstable…
And she’s been in a psych ward for the past five years.
Oh my god!
How could you not tell me this?!
She wasn’t supposed to be let out! Ever!
I’m not the only person she’s tried to hurt.
If I even talked to a girl…
She went after them.
My hand flies up to my mouth.
Oh my god, Dylan!
Before she was committed…
She threatened me—
Said she’d get her revenge.
But I didn’t take it seriously…
Because I didn’t think I’d ever see her again!
Well, she’s on my other line!
What the heck am I supposed to do?!
Make an excuse and hang up.
Pretend you don’t know anything.
The last thing you want to do is get her upset.
This can’t be happening right now.
I’m going to call the police.
I’ll be at your place as soon as I can.
I nod, noting that my hands are shaking.
I compose myself as much as possible…
Then press the button to return to Tammy’s call.
Hi — uh, sorry.
Dylan’s such a chatty Cathy, isn’t he?
She starts skipping down the sidewalk…
And I’m just about to respond…
When a familiar street sign catches my eye.
Are you…are you on Rossdale?
She looks up, then shrugs.
Is this where you live?
I immediately start running to check my locks.
She cackles loudly into the phone.
A chatty Cathy indeed.
Seems our little Dylan told you all about me.
I debate hanging up like Dylan told me to…
But if she’s on my street…
I need to make sure I know where she is.
What did he say?
Did he tell you I’m crazy?!
She puts the phone up until I can only see one of her eyes.
I hold the phone away from me.
I don’t want any trouble.
She laughs, then flips the phone camera.
I gasp loudly.
She’s right in front of my house.
What a nice place you have.
Smart AND rich.
Dylan chose well.
She starts walking toward my door…
And I start backing into the hallway.
I watch as she climbs up my porch…
Then knocks loudly at the door.
I jump, then run into the kitchen…
Searching frantically for a knife.
Is anybody home?!
Leave me alone!
Dylan’s already called the police!
By the time they get here…
It will be too late.
I hold the knife up to the phone.
Get out of here!
Or you’ll regret it!
Oooo — a knife! How funny.
I’ve got one, too.
She slowly brings her knife into view.
It’s twice the size of mine.
My pulse kicks into overdrive.
She starts pounding on the door again…
Then wiggles the knob.
Looks like I’m going to have to get crafty.
See you soon!
She hangs up…
And I run upstairs and into my bedroom closet.
Breathing heavy…
I dial Dylan’s number.
I just talked to the police—
— She’s outside my house!
She’s here, Dylan!
She’s got a knife!
Please tell me the police are coming!
I can barely hold the phone up.
Tears are streaming down my face…
And Dylan looks completely panicked.
Oh god, okay—
Yes, yes! They’re on their way.
I told them to meet me at your house.
Why is this happening?!
Did she escape or something?!
I don’t know the details yet.
Just hang tight!
I’ll be there soon.
My phone beeps with Tammy’s number.
She’s calling me again!
Don’t pick up!
I have to!
I need to know where she is!
I switch calls…
And I’m once again greeted by Tammy’s smiling face.
But this time, she’s standing in my bathroom…
Eating a piece of pizza.
Mmm, this is so good.
A great cook too, huh?
Aren’t you a catch.
The police are coming—
I haven’t had pizza in so long.
The last time was with Dylan.
We ate it together, in bed.
She leans in and raises her brows.
I look away from the phone, sick to my stomach.
I didn’t do anything to you!
No, but Dylan did.
He took everything from me!
She leaves the bathroom…
And heads for the stairs.
Now where are you hiding?
Maybe in here?
She walks into my guest bedroom…
Smiling like a lunatic.
I watch as she flings open the closet.
But I think I’m getting closer.
She drags her knife through my winter clothes hanging there…
Then shuts the door.
I stand and put my back against the closet door…
Knowing she’s going to find me any minute.
I hold the knife up.
You don’t want to do this!
Just leave, and we can pretend this never happened!
She opens the master bedroom door…
Holding her own knife up.
Dylan not only broke my heart…
But he took away my freedom!
She starts heading for the closet…
I close my eyes — utterly terrified.
And now, I’m going to take something from him.
She’s right in front of the closet door.
She grabs the knob…
And I grab it from the inside.
She pulls, and I fight to keep it closed.
Come on, let me in.
Make this easy on yourself.
She raises the knife and stabs the closet door.
I jump, and lose my grip on the knob.
It gives her the second she needs…
And the next thing I know…
The door is open and she’s in front of me.
She raises the knife…
And I drop my phone, and scream.
10 minutes later
Come on, Amanda, pick up!
Pick up!
On the fourth ring, her phone picks up.
Oh thank god!
Amanda, I’m five minutes away—
Hi Dylie.
Where’s Amanda?!
You’re just as handsome as ever.
How do I look?
She scans the phone down her body.
I take in the blood on her face and clothes…
And my heart drops into my stomach.
You better hurry over and find out!
Your dinner’s getting cold.