Spiderlings - Episode 1
by V. Gardner
I can’t go to school.
What? Why?
I have a huge bump on my cheek.
You have a pimple? Get to school.
No, Mom! It’s growing. It throbs.
Is it hot?
Like a thousand degrees.
Danny, I need you to check.
Is there a black dot?
Thank God!
There are a BUNCH of black dots. My throat feels weird, too.
The dots, they’re swirling around inside the bump.
Danny, listen to me.
I’m on my way.
Where in the house are you?
In the bathroom.
Stay there. Don’t move.
What’s happening?!
A mistake from the lab.
I’m so sorry.
The lab? What do you mean?
There’s so much I haven’t told you.
It burns, Mom!
I didn’t mean to pop it.
Danny, NO!
There’s tons of pus.
It’s burning my skin!
The black dots are pouring out.
It won’t stop!
They’re running down my arms.
The sink is covered in black spots. What’s happening?
Danny, check. Do the dots have legs?
Check! Now!
WTF. Spiders!
Little spiders are pouring out of my face!
Danny, listen to me. It’s going to be okay.
I’ll fix this. Stay calm.
Calm?! They’re everywhere!
In my ears.
On my neck.
I can feel them in my hair.
Every time I open my mouth, one crawls in.
They’re trying to get in your mouth?
Yes! My throat feels really weird, like I have to cough but nothing comes up.
Try to keep the spiders out of your mouth.
I’ll be home as soon as I can.
They’re everywhere, Mom!
I’m calling 911.
NO! You can’t call anyone.
I’ll take care of this.
missed call
Can’t answer. In my mouth.
So many of them.
I know.
How do you know?
What’s happening?
I need to tell you something.
I’m not an ordinary scientist.
My focus is on bio warfare, Arachnid Division.
What the fuck, Mom?
For fuck’s sake, Mom.
Danny, listen to me.
You have to stay calm.
I created these spiders. I should know.
Mom, I’m so scared. What do I do?
You have to stay calm!
Stand still and don’t move. Stay in the bathroom.
You don’t want them to feel threatened.
WTF is happening?
Just listen, ok? They’re gathering intel.
People don’t appreciate spiders — think they’re brainless.
But spiders are much smarter than people realize.
They can hunt in packs. They can think and act as one.
And they’re in homes everywhere.
Their special qualities make them a perfect weapon.
We were developing a special group of spiders to fight terrorists.
My face — they’re not swarming out anymore.
That’s good. Check the spot. Is there a larger spider by the bite?
No. I’m looking in the mirror.
Can’t see all of it, but it looks like the spot is getting bigger.
It’s black. The spot is black. My legs are shaking.
Don’t look at it anymore, okay?
I’ll fix it. I promise. Sit down somewhere safe.
Okay, I’m in the shower stall.
The spiders are covering the shower door but they’re leaving me alone.
I’ll try to spray them down the drain.
No! Don’t do that.
You’ll just upset them. Besides, spiders can live underwater for 24 hours.
They’ll just crawl back.
Where they came out of my face, Mom, it’s like a hole. A hole in my face.
It’s spreading.
The spot is spreading.
My skin, Mom.
It feels like it’s melting.
I’ll fix it, Danny.
Where are the spiders now?
Everywhere! Covering the shower door.
How can there be so many of them?
They’re supposed to shut down on demand.
Then shut them down! Now!
But they’re evolving too fast.
They’re becoming too focused.
Focused on what?
Don’t worry, okay?
I’ll fix this.
Try to relax. I’m almost there.
Focused on what?
On recruitment.
Have you seen Mama yet?
You’re here?
No, not me. I’ll be there as soon as I can.
I mean Mama spider.
She’ll be near you.
You’re her chosen host.
She’ll want to be as close to you as possible.
She’s bigger than the babies. Considerably so.
How big? These are just dots.
I don’t see her.
She’ll be calling to her babies.
They’ll crawl on her back.
She’ll teach them.
That’s when when we need to get to the babies.
That’s when they’re most vulnerable.
We need to get them before they—
Before they what?
Don’t worry about that.
Just tell me, are they gathering yet?
Gathering? No.
They covered the door when I moved into the shower stall.
But then they moved to the floor
They’re still in the bathroom.
Omg, they’re moving!
All of them — they’re scattering.
Going under the door.
I don’t feel any of them on me anymore.
Good! That’s good! We have time.
They’re searching the house for food.
Dad’s at work, right?
What? Yes.
Should I call him? Is he closer?
No! Leave your father out of this.
I’ll fix this.
Just stay put. Stay in the bathroom.
Where are they going?
It was weird. All of them — boom — just left.
They’re connected. It’s their hive mind.
Like bees?
Yes, we altered their DNA.
If you kill one, all of them react.
Did you kill any?
Hell yes.
I stomped them.
Right after they were born?
That’s okay.
We don’t need to really worry about that until after—
After what?
I’m here, Danny. Remember that.
I’m going to be with you the whole time.
Now Mopsie is barking!
Stay in the bathroom.
Now she’s yelping! She’s hurt, Mom!
Stay in the bathroom!
They’re hungry.
What? Mopsie!!
Oh my God.
Mom, it’s Mopsie! She’s too old to outrun them.
I have to help her!
It’s too late for Mopsie.
But maybe they’ll be full enough that I can get inside the house.
This is so fucked up, Mom.
I’ll get you another dog.
I’ll get you as many dogs as you want.
What is wrong with you? It’s Mopsie!
I loved her so much.
I’m going to fix this.
My face, Mom.
It hurts!
I know, honey.
The venom is eating the flesh on your face.
That’s how spider venom works.
Its reaction to skin cells is fascinating.
The poison doesn’t kill cells directly.
It actually causes the cells to initiate their own destruction.
The cells commit suicide.
That discovery triggered this whole operation.
We can instigate suicide on a cellular level.
And easily take out evil with a single household spider.
Can you imagine?
Mom, you’re scaring me.
Is my face going to be okay?
My throat hurts.
I thought they weren’t trying to get into your face anymore.
They’re not, but my throat hurts so much.
How does it feel?
Like knives. Slicing. Inside.
Is that from the venom?
I don’t think that’s the venom
My throat! It itches.
Go look in the mirror. What do you see?
Oh, shit!
When my throat stings, I can see it pulse on the outside.
Like my throat is moving!
Open your mouth. What do you see?
I can’t open my mouth.
I can’t swallow.
What’s happening?
I think I know where Mama is.
They’re coming back! They’re crawling under the door.
Try to block the opening.
I put a towel at the gap but they’re going under it.
Swarming through the cracks in the door.
Why are they coming back?
OMG. Blood. They’re trailing blood.
Is that from Mopsie?
Where are they now?
They’re so fast.
They’re coming at me!
Why are they after me again?
This next part is going to be hard, Danny.
I love you so much.
They’re marching. In lines.
Marching in lines toward me.
I’ve got to get out of here!
Try to stay calm, Danny. I have a plan.
You’re not here, Mom! I’m running.
I’m going to climb out my bedroom window.
You can’t leave the house!
Why not? I made it to my bedroom.
She won’t let you, Danny.
Spiders’ hearing is exceptional. Sound travels through the fine hairs on their legs.
They know where you are.
Jumping spiders! They’re behind the curtains!
Please, Danny. Try to calm down.
I know this is hard.
They’re all after me!
Up my legs.
I can’t shake them off. I stomped some of them.
I’m in my closet now but they’re still all over me!
Being your mom was the best part of my life.
They’re so fast!
Mom, they’re marching.
Up my nose. Straight rows.
I can’t stop them can’traisemyhands
You’re not alone. Mommy’s here.
I love you so much. I’m so sorry.