Spiderlings - Episode 2
by V. Gardner
Answer me!
missed call
DANNY? Please, please answer me.
When here.
Danny! OMG!
You scared me.
Are you okay?
What happened?
When you here.
I’m on my way. I’ll be there as soon as I can.
Are you okay?
Long wait. When here
I have to be careful about leaving the lab.
It would’ve raised suspicion if I had left suddenly.
We have to take care of this ourselves.
When will you be here
And I took the bus this morning.
It’ll take some time to get a cab.
I’ll be there as soon as I can.
I’m on the way. I promise.
Need you!
I know, baby.
We need you.
What did you mean when you said Mama?
You said Mama earlier.
What did you mean?
I was repeating. What you said.
Danny, I need you to tell me what you see.
Right now, what do you see?
Tell me what you see
Webs. I see webs everywhere.
It’s dark. Where are you?
Babies everywhere.
Who am I talking with?
Why are you asking me that?
missed call
Mom? MOM?
Where are you?
Who is this?
How do I know this is Danny?
I don’t know, maybe because it’s me?!
Where are you?
Are you serious right now, Mom?
Who the hell do you think it is?
What’s going on there?
I need you to tell me. Danny, what do you see?
You mean besides a million fucking spiders?
Okay. I believe this is you, Danny.
Who the fuck else would I be?
Danny, you have no idea how happy I am to hear you swear.
I’ll never say that again.
But that means it’s you.
OMG, Danny, I love you so much.
Danny, what do you see?
I’m in my bedroom, next to my bed. I don’t know how I got here.
Last thing I remember I was hiding in the closet!
I think Mama was in control.
What? What are you talking about?
I’ll get to it in a second, but first, tell me what you see.
It’s really dark.
Shit. Globs of them are covering the lights and windows.
Freaking globs of spiders. Should I kill them?
Clutters. Groups of spiders are called clutters or clusters.
Seriously, Mom?
Spiders crawled out of MY FACE.
They killed OUR DOG.
And you’re correcting my vocabulary?
My throat! Damn!
Mom, what is happening?
Where are you? What is going on?
I’ll tell you everything, I swear.
But first, what are they doing?
There are like, thousands of dead ones all around me.
The ones I see, they’re different. Bigger.
The size of a nickel, I guess. How’d they grow that fast?
Oh no.
Oh no?! WTF
They aren’t dead. The ones around you.
Those are shells. They’re molting.
Great. Awesome. Molting.
Spiders have an exoskeleton.
To grow, they molt.
We suspected that our experiment could have side effects.
Rapid growth seems to be one of them.
The fact that these are molting so quickly is problematic.
Yes. It means they aren’t babies any more.
You need to be careful.
If anyone hurts one of them now, things could get bad.
Yeah, cuz things are so fucking great otherwise right now.
My throat hurts so bad, Mom.
I think I must’ve passed out or something.
What makes you say that?
I remember all of them marching up my legs.
I remember them in my nose, down my throat.
And then nothing.
There is so much blood.
Blood? Danny? Is it yours?
I don’t think so. Maybe.
It’s around my face.
They’re covering the hallway mirror. I can’t see.
But Mom, MY FACE!
The hole from the bite, I can feel it growing.
I’ll be there soon, Danny.
I need to know more about when you blacked out.
So you woke up in a different position?
Yeah. I was hiding in the closet.
Now I’m in the hallway.
There are streaks of blood along the walls.
My pants are wet.
Did you wet yourself, Danny? I need to know.
For fuck’s sake. Why?
It’s important.
Yeah, okay. I pissed myself.
What’s going on?
Why do my hands keep twitching?
I said I would tell you the truth and I’m going to do that.
My throat
She’s listening and learning.
But I’m going to tell you anyway.
I’m going to tell you both.
She’s listening.
Let me explain. You remember Bryan?
Your boss?
He wishes he were my boss.
But I’m the one making breakthrough after breakthrough.
We altered the DNA of a test group of spiders, splicing in different species of spiders.
And then other predators.
Wolves. Bees. Lions.
And others.
We had to make them controllable, accountable to a queen or alpha.
Bryan wanted to stop there. Tomas and I continued.
Tomas? The guy who had a heart attack?
It wasn’t a heart attack, but I can’t get into that now.
I added other aspects to the spiders.
Can you skip the science lesson?
Just tell me how to get out of this spider house.
I’m sorry, Danny.
This — all of it — is my fault.
I added parasitic DNA, derived from tapeworms.
I wanted them to be able to find a host and burrow inside.
To become part of the victim.
It was a major breakthrough.
When we tested it on an orangutan, we were blown away.
You tested it on monkeys?
One orangutan. It was enough to shut down the program.
What happened?
The spider was able to tap into the mammal’s nervous system.
We knew she was successful when the orangutan lost bladder control.
It manipulated the orangutan’s own nervous system.
Like it was a gigantic web.
All spiders’ webs are external brains.
The strands function like nerves, alerting them to pain and opportunity.
This spider, it locked into the orangutan’s internal web of nerve and used it to control the host.
It seemed to read its thoughts, Danny.
The orangutan knew limited sign language.
After the infection, it articulated complex thoughts it had never been taught.
You’re scaring me, Mom.
That’s when I shut the experiment down.
Bryan wanted to hold off, to see what else it could do.
Tomas suggested a compromise. One more test.
But, Danny, listen. It heard us talking.
It heard me saying we were no longer in control and had to shut it down.
They’re listening? They can hear what I say?
Is that why we can’t talk? Why we’re texting?
That’s one reason. But let me continue.
I’m thirsty. Going to the kitchen to get a drink.
I am — but they’re moving to the side as I pass. They’re following me.
Listen, Danny. The test spider heard and it tried to attack. It KNEW.
That final test was a disaster.
Today we were going to eliminate all of the altered spiders.
Mom, what are you saying?
You’re a host, Danny.
A spider is in my head? MOM!
I think, from what you said, she’s in your throat.
I suspect she laid her eggs in your cheek and then crawled into your throat to wait for the spiderlings to hatch.
This can’t be real life.
Just remember, Danny. You’re not alone.
She’s watching, Danny. She’s waiting.
The spiders! They’re moving!