Stolen Bike
by Paul Perry
I think I found it! I told you it would turn up on Craigslist! Those jerks are trying to sell it off!
Where are they selling it from?
Ad says Lower Bottoms
Yeah…maybe just leave it be
No I’m going
Please don’t
But I know there’s no stopping you…
hour later
Hey just responding to the Craigslist ad about the orange bike, can I come see it?
Do you think that’s really necessary?
Uhh, yeah, it is if I want to buy it
You already have
Your DNA is all over it
Wait, what?
Wait, how do you know who this is?
I just told you…DNA.
You ran a DNA test on the bike?
Are you coming to get it back?
I would like to
Why did you steal it?
And what made you saw through the chain with a power tool in broad daylight?
It’s pretty simple actually, and I’ve already said
You have?
I don’t understand
I wanted exactly what I got to identify the owner
363 14th St, Lower Bottoms
I am coming and bringing friends
Good. More DNA.
Is that threat?
Are you going to hurt me and my friends?
Because I can also bring the police.
With the police report you weren’t able to file?
What? How did you know that?
The receipt
You took that too? I didn’t realize it was gone from my files until after the bike was stolen
That’s the worst time for it to go away
What is going on here?
Come alone…or else
Half hour later
I’m en route
You really shouldn’t do this
I want that bike back
Yeah but it’s not worth it
It is
Just come to that address if you don’t hear from me in 15mins
Let’s make it 10
5 mins later
OK I’m outside
Walk to the back entrance, through the gate
I’m through the gate
Step up onto the AC unit and climb in the window
If you want your bike back
But I am warning you, my friends are coming if they don’t hear back from me in ten minutes
OK, I am in the window
It’s very dark
Stay on the floor in front of the window sill
Why do you care so much about this bike?
Because it’s mine
Why is it yours?
Because I purchased it with my own money
Because I wanted to ride around
Why did you come here?
What’s with all the questions, I just want the bike, come on!
Whoa, thank you
Are you OK??
What’s going on?
I’m leaving in 5mins if you don’t text back
I got it. It was strange. On my way home. Tell you about it tomorrow!
Five Days Later
Have I done well?
10 receipts, 10 bikes
Just as transmitted
Yes sir.
Now, for the next assignment.
What would you have me do?
End his obsession with property as we did yours.
Yes sir.
Do you know how?
Get his most prized possession and his DNA.
Bring him to us.
We know what to do.
Yes sir.
When will you teach me the ways?
After your friend has been completed
Why then?
We need this show of allegiance from you
To complete the circle
Circle of…?
We possess those who obsess on their possessions
Hence, the circle
Yes. You are very close to total consciousness.
I am eager.
We are grateful.
Now get to work.
Yes sir.
5 minutes later
Hi Lance
You won’t believe this, I can’t find my notebook
Oh, I know where it is
Lower Bottoms
What? That spot you went to? How did you know?
They told me. You need to go. Now.
I’ll come find you after 10mins like you did for me
This is weird but I love that book so I’ll go
Thanks for having my back
No problem. That’s how the circle works 
Ok, leaving now.
Yes. You are.