The Pill
by Kayla Parent
I call Simon after school.
We don’t have any of the same classes…
And since I spent lunch hiding in the bathroom…
I’m praying that he found something online that can help.
Thankfully, he picks up on the first ring.
Maura, hey.
I was just about to call you.
Did you find anything?
I did…
But we should talk in person.
Can you come over?
On my way.
I enter through the back of Simon’s house and rush up to his room.
He’s on his computer…
So I grab the seat next to him.
He shoots me a concerned look.
How you holding up?
Not great…I’ve never been so stressed in my life.
What’s the verdict?
He sighs, then turns back to his computer.
Okay, well, I think I might be able to help you, but first…
How do you feel about Bitcoin?
I rub a hand over my face.
Simon, can we talk about your crypto portfolio later—
No, no…
I’m asking, because I think we can buy abortion pills on the black market…
Using Bitcoin.
I stare at him in shock.
The black market?!
Like the illegal black market?
He cringes.
The very one.
I know it’s not ideal but…
It’s an option.
I bite my lip, nervous.
Probably my only one.
How would it work?
He points to his screen.
Found someone selling them in the area.
My eyes widen.
Holy crap!
For how much?
He sighs loudly.
A lot.
It would take pretty much all I’ve got.
I grab his hand, desperate.
I know you’ve been saving for years…
But, I’ll pay you back, I swear!
Simon looks at me. Swallows hard.
Don’t worry about it.
I want to help you Maura, I –
Simon is about to say something but holds back.
I pull him into a tight hug.
Thank you, Simon.
And when we pull apart, a warm glow emanates from his face.
He clears his throat and turns to his computer screen again.
He clicks a few buttons…
Transaction complete.
Bitcoin has been transferred.
And the pills are ready for hand-off.
But Simon frowns when he opens a message from the seller.
What? What is it?
He gave us directions to a P.O box key…on the East side.
Oh great.
The East side of town is a very sketchy area…
Littered with abandoned buildings, smashed windows…and drugs.
I guess we shouldn’t be surprised.
Where else in town would an illegal transaction take place?
Simon laughs without humor.
Let’s go.
We’re in the car, and I’m trying to stay calm but…
My palms are sweaty and my heart is in my throat.
I just bought something illegal off the black market.
And now I’m headed to the shadiest part of town to pick it up.
I put my head in my hands.
What has my life come to?
Just then, I notice an envelope stuffed into the open glove compartment of Simon’s car.
It looks familiar…
I pull it out and shriek.
You got in to STANFORD?!
Why didn’t you tell me?
Simon looks over shyly, trying not to grin.
I can tell he’s really happy, but he also looks concerned.
Was just waiting for the right time.
Did you hear back yet?
And that’s when I realize, I was so caught up in everything, I didn’t even tell Simon the news.
I did!
I got the letter the other day.
A smile spreads across his face as we pull into a run-down post office.
We did it. Just like we always planned.
We share a smile, but then reality comes crashing back in.
Let’s go find those pills.
We get out of the car and walk toward the building…
I instinctively reach for Simon’s hand.
He looks down and then at me, surprised…
Then he smiles and squeezes my fingers.
Together, we walk inside.
The building looks worse inside than it does on the outside.
A single, fluorescent light flickers on and off.
It smells like mold.
And no one is working behind the counter.
A chill runs down my spine.
He said the key would be taped to the side of the radiator.
We scan the room, find the radiator and walk over to it.
A rat escapes from behind the corner.
Simon lets out a yelp.
It’s here! I found it.
Oh thank god.
I peel the key off and notice a number etched onto the key - 62422
I take the key and rush over to the rows of mailboxes.
I find the right box, and when I open it…
There’s a small package inside.
I grab it.
Got it.
Simon looks as relieved as I do.
Great - now let’s get out of here.
We hustle back to Simon’s car…
And once we’re inside, doors locked…
I turn to him, nervous, hopeful.
Thank you so much for this.
You’re the best friend a girl could ask for.
He deflates a bit…
And again, it seems like he wants to say something.
But he doesn’t, so I start tearing into the package.
But when I see what’s inside…
My stomach collapses.
Birth control.
Simon takes the box out of my hands and examines it.
It’s not the abortion pill.
It’s just a pack of birth control pills.
His jaw drops.
Are you telling me I just spent all my savings…
For nothing?!
Simon drops his head on the steering wheel and groans.
I’m so, so sorry, Simon.
I promise I’ll pay you back.
Simon lets out a heavy sigh.
It’s not your fault.
He buckles his seatbelt, so I buckle mine.
Want me to take you home?
I wish.
But I have to get back to the school to help with prom decorations.
He nods, turns on the engine, puts the car into reverse and drives off.
We ride in silence until we reach the school.
I don’t get out right away.
I hate the tension between us, and I want to fix it.
Do you hate me now?
Maura, I could never hate you. I…
You what?
I wait for him to finish his sentence…
But he doesn’t.
So after a moment, I grab the door handle.
Talk to you later, I guess.
I walk into the school, and feel my head start to spin again.
This is the last thing I want to do…
But I guess it’s better than crying alone in my room.
The gym is filled with chatter and laughter…
Everyone else is bubbling with excitement for tomorrow night.
But I’ve never felt so separate in my life.
I’d give anything to be one of them…
But I feel like I’ve got the weight of the world on my shoulders…
And it’s all I can do to go through the motions.
So I put on a happy face…
And pretend that my life isn’t falling apart.
An hour or so later my phone rings.
A FaceTime from my mother.
I answer it, but I regret it instantly.
She’s surrounded by her friends at church…
And they all yell congratulations at the same time.
Wow um…
Thank you.
I’m sorry, honey.
I know you’re busy…
But everyone is just so excited for you!
Stanford! I still can’t believe it!
I talk to them for a few minutes…
And when I hang up…
The entire student council is standing behind me, beaming.
You got into Stanford?!
You’re living the life, girl!
You’ve got it all, I’m so jelly!
I stand there feeling sick to my stomach…
But I force myself to smile and pretend that I’m as happy as they are.
And just when I think I can’t take anymore…
My phone pings with a text.
Hope you’re ready for tomorrow night.
It’s definitely going to be one to remember.
I stare at my phone…
A horrible feeling filling my gut.
As if I didn’t have enough to worry about.
She took my man…
And now she’s going to ruin my reputation.
If she tells everyone that I’m pregnant…
I’ll never live it down.