Ugly Duckling - Part 1
by Frank Anthony Polito
Hello, ugly girl.
Who is this?
A friend.
Friends don’t call each other ugly.
Friends tell each other the truth.
And it’s true, isn’t it? That you’re ugly?
Think of me as your fairy godmother.
I can save you from the truth.
But you have to trust me.
Do you like being ugly, Bella?
I hate it.
That’s what I thought.
What if I told you I could make you pretty?
What would you give me in return?
I would give anything to be pretty.
Yes, anything.
If I were pretty, I wouldn’t be so lonely anymore.
Why are you lonely Bella?
Because I don’t have any friends.
Why do you think that is?
Because of what you said! I’m ugly!
Oh my. No need to get angry.
I’m here to help, my dear.
By telling me I’m ugly and alone?
Thanks a lot.
Have you ever tried making friends?
I tried a lot when we first moved here.
Freshman year…
I tried making friends at lunch...
In gym class…
At the football games…
But nobody wanted to be friends with me...
So I stopped trying.
Now I just eat lunch alone.
I got out of gym class.
And I don’t go to games anymore.
Oh my.
It sounds like you’re not just ugly my dear…
You’re a quitter too, aren’t you?
I’m not a quitter!
It’s just hard to keep getting rejected.
It makes me feel even uglier.
And worthless.
Did you ever stop to think, my dear…
That perhaps the reason you don’t have friends…
Is that you’re a snob?
That’s not a nice thing to say at all.
Friends tell one other the truth, remember?
That’s NOT the truth! I’m not a snob.
I’m a good person.
I’m nice to everyone.
But you’ve just told me you don’t have friends…
So then who could you possibly be nice to?
You are so mean!
And you’re a liar, my dear.
I’m not a liar!
I AM a nice person.
I’m nice to strangers.
Ah strangers, I see.
Okay then. Let’s say you see a stranger in the hallway.
A new UGLY girl just like you…
And you see the senior football players walk up to her….
And they start to make fun of her.
Would you rescue her?
I don’t think I could.
But you know how much it hurts when people make fun of you for being ugly.
That’s exactly why I couldn’t help her.
What if the football players started making fun of me, too?
It would hurt too much.
I can barely make it through school as it is.
I understand, Bella.
This is why I’ve chosen to help you.
You have?
Do you believe that being beautiful will end your suffering?
I know it will.
Well then, I can make your wish come true.
You can?
Yes, but first…
You must give me something in return.
What do you want?
I’ll give you anything!
I have some money in my savings account.
Oh my goodness, no.
I have no use for money.
Ok… then what do you want?? Tell me!
I’ll give you ANYTHING.
What in life is most precious to you?
I don’t know…
My parents, I guess.
Do your parents love you?
Yes. I’m their only child.
But you’re ugly, Bella.
Thanks for the reminder.
How could your parents truly love an ugly girl like you?
Are they not repulsed by your ugliness, like everyone else?
I’ve never thought about it before.
I’ve always just believed my parents loved me.
Nothing is unconditional, dear Bella.
Everything comes with a price.
But, I love them.
Do you?
I do love them. But you’re right…
I know deep down they wish I were pretty.
And that makes me really sad.
I know they must be ashamed when they look at me.
My mom is SO pretty. She used to be a model.
And my dad was the high school quarterback.
They were popular.
The literal opposite of me.
How could they love an ugly girl like me?
I’m sorry my dear.
That sounds very sad indeed.
Do you wish to be beautiful, like your parents?
Do you wish for them to truly love you?
Yes. I do.
I want that more than anything in the world.
What would you give me in exchange for your parents’ love?
I already told you…
Just tell me what you want. It’s yours.
Let me ask my question again, dear Bella.
What in life is most precious to you?
I mean…
I guess…
I love to sing.
It’s the only thing I’m good at.
And it makes me happy.
I’ve heard you sing, Bella.
You have the most beautiful voice.
Thank you.
How have you heard me sing?
I’m your fairy godmother, remember?
I see and hear and know everything.
You sing all the time.
And when you do, I hear you.
Now tell me dear.
Why do you sing?
I don’t know…
I guess because I’m good at it?
Oh come now. There must be more to it than that.
I sing because…
I need to sing.
Why do you need to sing?
I need to sing because…
It’s the only way I can get rid of the pain.
And what pain would that be?
The pain that comes from being so ugly.
So lonely.
So unloved.
Then that is what I want, dear Bella.
I want your beautiful voice.
What do you mean?
If I make you pretty, you must give up your ability to sing.
But if I can’t sing anymore, how will I take away my pain?
You won’t have any pain, remember?
You’ll be pretty.
You promise?
Do I promise what?
That you can make me pretty?
If I give up singing?
I promise.
Do you accept?
I accept!
How will you make me pretty??
Look over on your nightstand…
There’s a bottle there! What is it?
It’s a magical cream.
Where did it come from??
I’m your fairy godmother, remember dear?
I make magic happen.
How does it work?
Before you go to sleep, rub the magic cream all over your ugly face.
Sleep a good night’s sleep.
Dream sweet dreams.
And when you wake...
You’ll be pretty.
Wow! That’s it?
Thank you so much!
No need to thank me, dear.
You get what you wish for.
Sweet dreams…